Tuesday, October 5

BAD NEWS. {an update}

It's true. WE DID NOT PASS COURT after all.

Last Thursday we were told that we PASSED our MOWA court date.  But sadly, yesterday, we got the call from our caseworker telling us that we actually DID NOT pass.  That our case had been mixed up with another case.

Needless to say it came as a HUGE shock and we have been walking through a lot of disappointment.  We were moving at top speed preparing to board a plane this Saturday and it's hard switch gears...really hard.

While we are not thrilled or happy about ANY of this, we DO have a lot to be thankful for and we want to do our best to focus on those things.

First and foremost....  Justice is fine.  She is safe and happy and is being VERY well cared for.  She is still OUR GIRL and we know that even though this delay is painful.... we will have her in our arms soon.  We will bring her home soon. (just not as soon as we thought)

Our MOWA court has been re-scheduled for 10/29.  To be honest, we are not overly thrilled that the date is so far down the calendar, BUT we are still thankful to have a date. As far as our second court date (to appear)...That is still pretty sketchy.  Hopefully, we will know more about that soon.

There you have it. (for now.)  Please pray for all the moving pieces both seen and unseen.  That every piece would be shifted and moved into place. Quickly.  AND that we would be covered in peace and with wisdom and continued grace for the journey.  That we would trust and believe.
..."The mountains melt like wax before the LORD, before the Lord of all the earth". 
Psalm 97:5


  1. I love this song and it s perfect...perfect for his timing and perfect for your wait. Sad for the delay for you, but hopeful for all that he has planned. Praying for you guys, always!

  2. So sorry for you guys. Will be thinking of you.

  3. Know that faith preceed's the miracle. Our prayers are with you and for the speedy placement of this beautiful child into your arms.

  4. I never even think about all the delays and disappointments we experienced on our journey now, but at the time they were CRUSHING. Deep breaths, my friend. You are weathering this gracefully and it WILL be over soon.

  5. Sorry to hear this news. i will be praying that she is with you soon!

  6. prayers. im sorry.... breathe.. It will be here so soon! Im so excited to see pictures! thats my favorite part about adoption stories!!

  7. You guys are so tolerant and prayerful. Things do happen the way they're supposed to. Easy to say; hard to live by. Keep us posted.

  8. I hate that this has happened. I am so sorry! Our prayers are with you.

  9. So sorry to hear this news! Hoping the time will fly by until your next court date...and then you can go bring her home!!

  10. Wow. What a roller coaster you've had to ride. I'm so sorry about it all. Stinks! Your faith is through this is amazing. I hope that in retrospect you'll be able to see the "why" in it all. And if God doesn't show it to you, that you'll still know He has a plan. HUGS to you!

  11. I'm so sorry! We will pray for you! You are so close :) xox michele

  12. Oh my! I am sick right now! I can only imagine how you are feeling! We are praying that things move swiftly and that you can pick up your Justice soon! Sending lots and lots of love!!!!

  13. Oh no... I'm so sorry... Prayers for a smooth 29th.

  14. So praying for you, for His peace. Delays are so hard, especially when a mix up is involved.
